Get Ahead of the Game Top High CPC Keywords 2023

Get Ahead of the Game in Blogging: Top High CPC Keywords for Website Lead Generation in 2023

Top High CPC Keywords 2023


High CPC (Cost-Per-Click) keywords are search terms that advertisers bid on in order to show their ads on search engines and other online platforms. These keywords typically have a higher cost associated with them because they are more competitive and have a greater potential to generate leads or sales. In this article, we will explore what high CPC keywords are, why they matter, and how businesses can use them to their advantage.

What is CPC?

CPC stands for Cost Per Click, which is a type of online advertising model where advertisers pay a fee every time a user clicks on their ad. This fee can vary depending on the competition for the ad space and the relevance of the keywords used in the ad. CPC is commonly used in search engine advertising, social media advertising, and display advertising. Advertisers set a maximum bid for their ad, and the ad platform uses a real-time bidding system to determine which ads will be displayed to the user and how much each click will cost. The goal of CPC advertising is to drive traffic to a website or landing page and ultimately generate conversions, such as leads or sales.

For example, a business selling insurance policies may bid on high CPC keywords like "life insurance" or "auto insurance" in order to appear at the top of search results when a user searches for these terms. The higher the competition for a particular keyword, the higher the CPC will be.

Why Do High CPC Keywords, Matter?

High CPC keywords matter because they can be a valuable tool for businesses to reach their target audience and generate leads or sales. By bidding on these keywords, businesses can increase the visibility of their ads on search engine results pages and other online platforms, potentially increasing traffic to their website and driving more conversions.

However, businesses need to be strategic about which high CPC keywords they bid on, as the cost of these keywords can quickly add up. It's important to focus on keywords that are relevant to your business and are likely to generate high-quality traffic and leads.

1. List of High CPC keywords in the Insurance Niche

KeywordCPC (USD)
Car insurance$75.09
Health insurance$50.68
Life insurance$47.79
Home Insurance$45.48
Business Insurance$44.25
Travel Insurance$37.00
Pet insurance$34.20
Disability insurance$32.72
Dental Insurance$27.15
Umbrella Insurance$24.80

2.  List of High CPC keywords in the Loans Niche

keywordCPC (USD)
Personal loans10.07
Business loans12.58
Student loans7.21
Car loans8.49
Home loans14.89
Payday loans16.02
Debt consolidation loans12.35
Bad credit loans10.68
Emergency loans11.43
Secured loans11.52
Unsecured loans9.27
Mortgage loans15.83
Small business loans13.47
Installment loans11.72
Auto loans10.32

3.  List of High CPC keywords in the Mortgage Niche

KeywordCPC (USD)
Mortgage rates25.63
Refinance mortgage24.42
Home equity loan22.81
Reverse mortgage18.63
VA loan18.24
FHA loan17.82
Jumbo mortgage22.52
Fixed-rate mortgage21.09
Adjustable rate mortgage20.64
Second mortgage18.92
Mortgage calculator19.54
Mortgage broker16.74
Mortgage pre-approval19.43
Home buying19.08
Home refinancing21.26
Note that the CPC values are just estimates and may vary depending on factors such as competition, location, and device used.

How Can Businesses Use High CPC Keywords?

There are several ways that businesses can use high CPC keywords to their advantage:

Conduct Keyword Research: Businesses should conduct keyword research to identify high CPC keywords that are relevant to their industry and audience. There are many keyword research tools available, such as Google AdWords Keyword Planner, that can help businesses identify high CPC keywords that are likely to generate high-quality traffic and leads.

Create Compelling Ads: Once businesses have identified high CPC keywords, they need to create compelling ads that will entice users to click on them. Ads should be relevant to the keyword and should include a strong call-to-action that encourages users to visit the business's website or take some other desired action.

Optimize Landing Pages: When users click on an ad, they should be taken to a landing page that is relevant to the ad and the keyword. The landing page should be optimized for conversions, with a clear call-to-action and a user-friendly design.

Monitor and Adjust Campaigns: Businesses should monitor their campaigns regularly to ensure that they are generating high-quality traffic and leads. They should also adjust their bids and ad copy as necessary to optimize their campaigns for maximum ROI.


High CPC keywords can be a valuable tool for businesses to reach their target audience and generate leads or sales. By bidding on these keywords, businesses can increase the visibility of their ads on search engine results pages and other online platforms, potentially increasing traffic to their website and driving more conversions. However, it's important to be strategic about which high CPC keywords you bid on, focusing on keywords that are relevant to your business and are likely to generate high-quality traffic and leads. By following these best practices, businesses can use high CPC keywords to their advantage and drive more business online.
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